Insurance Blog Week in Review – Week of April 15-21, 2012

Every week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a quick and easy way to “ketchup” on everything that hit the blog in the past seven days. There can be anywhere between 12 and 14 blogs that will appear. What did you miss this week? My Quest to Find Affordable Health Insurance is Finished Finally! I have found a health insurance policy that I can actually afford! I review the steps from uninsured, (when I lost my job and my health insurance in 2009), to insured in 2012. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on April 16, 2012. This … Continue reading

The Claims Investigator Arrived

This all started with a puddle on the floor. I have been blogging my way through the process involved in making a claim with my homeowners insurance company, from start to whenever it gets finished. The insurance company connected us with a claims investigator. Here is how that went. As I said, it all started with a mysterious puddle on the floor. It seemed that the water leaked in during a hard rain. My husband made a claim with the company we have our homeowners insurance through. So far, we have had some repairmen come take a look at the … Continue reading

The Claims Adjuster Called About the Puddle on the Floor

This all started with a puddle on the floor. It was in the corner of a room, and not under a window. My best guess was that the water came in through the wall while it was raining really hard outside. Our next step, as we work through the claims process, is for the claims adjuster to come over and take a look at things. If you haven’t been following my blogging about the puddle on the floor, allow me to quickly catch you up. First, I noticed a puddle on the floor in the corner of a bedroom that … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week In Review – April 8 – 14, 2012

What did you miss this week? The Insurance Blog Week in Review is an excellent way to “ketchup” on everything that hit the blog in the past seven days. There can be anywhere between twelve and fourteen different blogs that appear, and it is easy to accidentally miss something that you wanted to read. Green Tree Offer Homeowners and Flood Insurance All in One Most homeowners insurance policies do not cover flooding. For that, you need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy. Green Tree Insurance offers a combined homeowners and flood insurance policy. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up … Continue reading

Assessing the Damage from the Puddle on the Floor

Yesterday, I noticed that there was a puddle on the floor. Upon further investigation, it seemed that the puddle was caused by rain that had apparently seeped in through the wall. My husband spoke with the company that we have homeowners insurance with. Here is what happened next. When my husband spoke with our insurance company yesterday, they asked some general questions about the puddle on the floor. The insurer said that they would be sending a claims adjuster to our home to assess the damage. Today, that claims adjuster called us, to arrange a time to come over and … Continue reading

There’s A Puddle On the Floor

It has been raining, on and off, for the past couple of days. Last night, and for part of this morning, it was raining quite hard. I noticed that there was a puddle of water on the floor that had never been there before. Time to call my homeowners insurance company! Under my computer desk, there is a box. Or, I should say, there was a box. The box was once partially full of office supplies that I tend to go through rather quickly. The amount is too small to be considered a stock pile, but maybe a bit larger … Continue reading

An Update On the Roof Repairs

Earlier this year, I wrote a series of blogs that started with a puddle on the floor. We filed a claim with our homeowners insurance company, and things got resolved. Next, the insurer wants us to fix our roof, even though their inspector said the roof was fine. Here is an update on what happens now. Several months ago, we found a mysterious puddle on the floor. To make a long story, (that I’ve already blogged about), much shorter, we filed a claim with our homeowners insurance company. This led to an inspector coming to check out the damages, and … Continue reading

Letters from the Homeowners Insurance Company

This all started with a puddle on the floor. Since then, my husband and I have been going through the claims process with our homeowners insurance company. Overall, things are going much easier than I ever expected they would. Here is the next step in the process. Today, we received three, separate, envelopes in the mail from the insurance company that we have our homeowners policy through. Oddly enough, the mail arrived as the claims adjuster was at our home, doing his job. I’ll go over that portion of the claims process in another blog. For now, I wanted to … Continue reading

The Local Repair Company Arrived

This all started with a puddle on the floor. It seemed that the puddle was caused by rain that had seeped through the wall. We called our homeowners insurance company, and made a claim. The insurer arranged to have a repairman come to our home. Here is how that went. The next step in our claim was to have a local repairman come over to our home, to take a look at the wall where the water came in. Oddly enough, we have not had any more water seep through the wall since we made an insurance claim about it, … Continue reading